Take a Look
2016 Prayer Breakfast Speaker
The idea for RightNow Media began over the Atlantic on a flight home from Tanzania, Africa. It was the summer of 1998 and I had just spent the past four weeks filming a documentary about a missionary team living in a remote part of the country for the sake of the Gospel.
It was my first time overseas and I loved it.
During the flight home I remember praying, “God, how can I do more of that? I want my life to count and I want to do something significant for you.”
In my young, naïve mind the only way to really have an impact for Christ was to do “full-time ministry.” As I was searching for those ministry opportunities I realized that there were many in my generation who wanted their lives to count too. My understanding of ministry would expand over the years, but God used this experience to help lay the foundation for starting RightNow Media in 2000.
At first our ministry’s main priority was to connect young adults to full time ministry opportunities in America and especially overseas. Over time we began to realize the potential in strategically working with churches and church leaders to help them mobilize the people of their church to live out their faith. We joined forces with Bluefish TV and set out to serve the church in new and creative ways.
When I think about the future of the church, I think my generation is longing to see these three statements move from radical to normal: